I haven't been able to eat much lately, which I have to say is very annoying as it is one of my favorite things to do. Instead about 10min into a meal I become overwhelmingly nauseous. Its a result of a concussion I got from being on the losing end of a hit and run; an accident that wonderfully did not injure my cute little smart car, but frustratingly did send a lot of impact to my head and neck.
The odd thing is, even though I know that delving into a meal will make me feel ill, that pushing myself will bring on headaches, and that dancing all day can cause me to almost blackout - I keep doing them all. What is that about?!
I suppose that is the nature of desire, whether it be the desire to succeed, to express, or in the simplest form - to eat, it is so all consuming that the consequence is outweighed by the longing.
I usually think of desire as an associate of sin. After all the quintessential "apple" in the Garden of Eden was all about desire and that brought a hell of a lot more than nausea with it.
But lets take a moment to reclaim the word (because nothing is more enjoyable than reading a blog about reclaimed words...you are welcome). Desire is a symptom emotion after all, not distinctively good or bad -- I mean it shows a need. Ie. My need for nourishment makes me desire food, my need to create makes me desire to dance, my need for external affirmation makes me desire to push myself incessantly to accomplish more and more and more...(OK lets not delve into that last one...) So really desire --while it rings with the tone of temptress-- is really just need.
But then again so is nausea. Its my body saying "I need rest you crazy dancing fool" (my body apparently talks to me like a sarcastic rapper). Sadly nausea is just not very convincing. It is the wimp in the boxing ring slapping instead of punching. It takes from the future while desire is so wonderfully in the now. The present need seems like such an easy choice.
How can desire not win? I think I am going to go eat now -- ha .
*Please note this silly blog should be in no way applied as actual moral truths. Er the present desire not always such a swell idea (doing such could result in addiction, illness, or pregnancy).
**Also please note that 24 years in the Church has taught me that the 'apple' in the garden was not actually an apple...it was only for literary purposes that I suggested it. I promise. I have not gone heretical on you all.
***At least I don't think I am heretical hmmm...